ESL Teaching Materials

Course Outline 5

Academic Writing 1
Academic Writing 2
Writing for Research Purposes
Course Outlines
Course Outline 1
Course Outline 2
Course Outline 3
Course Outline 4
Course Outline 5
Course Outline 6
Course Outline 7
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Basic Rules of Writing
Writing a Personal Statement
Reference Desk
ESL Jobs
Make your Start-up Page
About me


Instructor: Dr Algirdas Makarevicius

Total number of contact hours: 40



The course provides EFL teachers with specialized training to teach successfully in wide variety of ESL programs. It assists participants to teach communicative English as a Second Language to students individually or in groups for all levels of English language ability. The program introduces the participants to the skills necessary to teach in a non-English-speaking environment and includes a teaching practicum component. This program is highly interactive, combining ESL teaching theory and practical teaching experience with ESL students.

The focus is on preparing participants to work independently and with confidence in an English Language Training classroom. A variety of methods and approaches are introduced so that participants are prepared for wide range of teaching contexts.

Teachers meet in weekly seminars to discuss aspects of classroom procedures including needs assessment, goals and objectives, lesson planning, classroom dynamics and management, evaluating textbooks and materials, and microteaching.



  • Develop a greater understanding of language and the ability to apply this knowledge to the classroom.
  • Provide more practical experience and knowledge in classroom teaching.
  • Learn to understand the motivations learners and the role of teachers in classroom.
  • Become familiar with the principles and practice of teaching.
  • Learn and practice the skills necessary to teach ESL.
  • Explore and experiment with appropriate resources, cases and materials used with students.
  • Develop skills for lesson-planning, material selection and adaptation.
  • Explore opportunities for future development within the professional field. 


Week 1

1. Introduction to course. What should a teacher teach and how should a student learn? What are realistic and unrealistic requirements?

2. Problems related to teaching materials, planning, and classroom management. Formal - informal communication. Case study.


Week 2

1. How to teach research report writing?

2. What is speaking? How to teach and how not to teach speaking? Problems related to teaching active speaking, listening and critical thinking in English. Case study.


Week 3

1. Is there the best method of vocabulary teaching? What does it mean "to teach a word?" Case study.

2. Learning and teaching based on comparison. Games and case study.


Week 4

1. Teaching through knowledge. Language, as a part of culture. How to teach feeling and thinking in English. Case study.

2. How to write a research report. Discussion. Selection of topics.


Week 5

1. Types of reading. How to teach reading?

2. Teaching reading. Case study. Sharing of experiences among teachers.


Week 6

1. Problems of teaching writing. What and how should we teach adult learners? Plagiarism and how to avoid it. Case study.

2. How should we teach grammar? Do we always need translation? Discussion of cases.


Week 7

1. Problems of learner training. Large and small classes. Student complaints. How to work under pressure. Study of cases.

2. Material development and adaptation. Assessment of textbooks. Study of cases and discussion.


Week 8

1. Errors and correction. Assessment, examinations, tests. Approaches to assessment. Ways of assessment. How to assess and how not to assess, and who fails - a teacher or a student?

2. Case studies.


Teaching and Learning Materials



How to Teach English (1998), Jeremy Harmer. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, English Edition, 203 p.


Learning Teaching. A Guidebook for English Language Teachers (2002), Jim Scrivener. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 219 p.


Further Reading

Teaching By Principles an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, Second Edition

H. Douglas Brown

Prentice Hall Regents

ISBN: 0-13-0282839


Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, Fourth Edition

H. Douglas Brown

Prentice Hall Regents

ISBN: 013-0178160


Teaching American English Pronunciation

Peter Avery and Susan Ehrlich

Oxford University Press

ISBN: 019-432815-5


Grammar for English Language Teachers

Martin Parrott

Cambridge University Press

ISBN: 0-521-521-47797-2




Recommended Reading

1. BAUMGRAPZ, Gangl (1989). Discourse and Culture. Oxford University Press. USA.

2. BRYRAM,  Michael (1988).   Cultural  Studies   in  Foreign  Language. W.B.C.  Print  Ltd.

3. BROWN,    Douglas  (1994).   Principles  of    Language  Learning and Teaching .   Prentice Hall Regents.  USA.

4. BROWN,  Douglas  (1994).  Teaching by Principles.  Prentice Hall  Regents.   USA.

5. BRUMFIT,   C.J.  (1984).   General  English   Syllabus  Design.   Pergamon  Press.   Oxford.

6. DAMEN,   Louise (1987).   Culture  Learning :  The fifth dimension in the language classroom.  Adisson-Wesley Publishing Company.  United States of America.

7. DEAN,  Brown James  (1988).  Understanding Research in Second Language Learning.  Cambridge University Press.  New York.

8. DUBIN,   Fraida and   OLSTHAIN Elite  (1990).   Course  design.   Cambridge  University  Press.   New  York.

9. FORUM,     “Teaching  for Communication”  (1978),    Sandra  Savignon.

10.  FORUM,     “Culture clash  in the classroom:  How to minimise cheating  in  a  face -  saving  culture”  (1995),   Bruce  Sidebotham.

11. HARRISON,   Brian   (1990).    Culture  and the Language Classroom.   Modern   English   Publications  and the British  Council.   Hong Kong.

12. HILL, Archibald (1970).  Linguistics.  Voice of America Forum Lecturers.  USA .

13. HOEY, Michael (1993).  Data,  Description,  Discourse.  Harper Collins Publish Ltd. Great Britain.

14. HOLLIDAY, Adrian (1994).  Appropriate Methodology and Social Context. Cambridge University Press.  USA.

15. KRAMSH,   Claire (1993).   Context  and Culture in the  language  Teaching.   Oxford  University  Press.  USA

16. LADO,  Robert  (1964).     Language  Teaching  A Scientific Approach.  McGraw Hill,  Inc.    United  States of America.

17. LARSEN, Diane and LONG Michael (1991).  An Introduction to  Second Language Acquisition Research.  Longman Group.  New York.

18. MCCARTHY,  Michael  (1991).  Discourse Analysis for Language  Teachers.  Cambridge University Press.  Great Britain.

19. MARKMAN,  Roberta and Peter (1989). 10 Steps in  Writing Research Paper.   Barron’s Educational Series.  USA :

20. NOLASCO, Robert and LOUIS Arthur (1987).  Conversation.          Oxford University Press.  Hong Kong.

21. OMAGGIO, HADLEY Alice (1993).  Teaching Language in a context.  Heinle & Heinle Publishers.  USA :

22. PENNYCOOK,   Alastair ( 1994).  The cultural politics of  English as an International Language.  Longman Group.  New York.

23.   RICHARDS,  Jack C. (1990).  The  Language  Teaching  Matrix.   Cambridge  University  Press.   New  York.

24. SCARCELLA,  Robin and OXFORD Rebecca (1992).   The Tapestry of Language Learning .  Heinle & Heinle Publishers.  Boston,  Massachusetts.  USA.

25. SMOLINSKI,  Frank  (1993).   Landmarks of American Language & Linguistics   Vol. 1.  Materials Development and Review Branch.  English Language Programs Division.  USA.  Information Agency Washington.

26. STERN,   H.H.  (1992).  Issues and Options in Language Teaching.   Oxford University Press.  Great Britain.

27. TESOL QUARTERLY Vol. 28,  Number 3. “Expanding Middle School Horizons :  Integration Language,  Culture and Social Studies (1994).  Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages,  inc.

31.   TOMALIN,  Barry  &  STEMPLESKI,  Susan.   Cultural  Awareness   (1993).  Oxford  University  Press.    Hong  Kong.

32.  WILBERT,  Johannes (1976).  Enculturation in Latin America An Anthology.  UCLA Latin American Center Publications.  Los Angeles.

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