Acronyms and initialisms
are abbreviations formed from the initial letter or letters of words, such as TOEIC and CALL and are pronounced in a way that
is distinct from the full pronunciation of what the letters stand for.
Of the two words, acronym is the much more frequently used and known, and many dictionaries, speakers
and writers refer to all abbreviations formed from initial letters as acronyms. However, some still differentiate between
acronyms and initialisms: an acronym was originally a pronounceable word formed from the initial letter or letters of the
constituent words, such as NATO or RADAR from RAdio Detection And Ranging, while an initialism
referred to an abbreviation pronounced as the names of the individual letters, such as ESP. The distinction is quickly becoming
obsolete: although conservative commentators continue to decry the loss of the distinction in style guides and elsewhere,
the word acronym is used nearly universally for both meanings [ ].
Commonly Used Acronyms Related to TESL
CALL = Computer Assisted Language Learning
EFL = English as a Foreign Language (Studying English in non-English-speaking countries)
ESL = English as a Second Language (Studying English as a non-native speaker in a country where
English is spoken. Depending on where you are from, the term ESL may be more inclusive and includes EFL. For some people the
reverse seems to be true.)
L1 = "Language 1" = the student's native (primary or first acquired) language.
L2 = "Language 2" = the language being learned or studied
TEFL = Teaching English as a Foreign Language
TESL = Teaching English as a Second Language
TESOL = Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (It is also the name of an association,
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc.)
ESOL = English for Speakers of other languages
EAL = English as an additional
TOEFL = Test of English as a Foreign Language
TOEIC = Test of English for International Communication
5W's = Who, What, Where, When and Why
CBI = Content Based Instruction
EAP = English for Academic Purposes
EIL = English as an International Language
ELF = English as a lingua franca
EOP = English for Occupational Purposes
ELL = English Language Learner
ELT = English Language Teaching (or sometimes Training)
ESOL = English to Speakers of Other Languages (Note: ESL and EFL are often used interchangeably.
This acronym is an attempt to make a generic term and then assign more limited meanings to ESL and EFL.)
ESP = English for Specific Purposes / English for Special Purposes
FLT = Foreign Language Teaching
IEP = Intensive English program
IPA = International Phonetic Alphabet (or Association)
LCD projector
LEP = Limited English Proficiency (or Proficient)
LL = Language Lab
NNS = Non-Native Speaker
NS = Native Speaker
OHP = Overhead Projector
SLA = Second Language Acquisition
TPR = Total Physical Response
BE = Bilingual Education
CALLA = Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach
CALP = Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency
CELTA = Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults
CLL = Community Language Learning
CLT = Communicative Language Teaching
CPE = Cambridge Proficiency
ELL = English Language Learner
ESP = English for Special (Specific) Purposes
EST = English for Science and Technology
FEP = Fluent English Proficient (or Proficiency)
FES = Fluent English Speaker
GTM = Grammar Translation Method
LEP = Limited English Proficiency
LES = Limited English Speaker
LMS = Language Minority Student
LSP = Languages for Special Purposes
MLAT = The Modern Language Aptitude Test
NEP = Non English Proficient (or Proficiency)
OHP = Over Head Projector
SLA = Second Language Acquisition
STT = Student Talking Time
TEP = Transitional English Proficiency
TL = Target Language
TPR = Total Physical Response
TSE = Test of Spoken English
TTT = Teacher Talking Time
TWE = Test of Written English
VESL = Vocational English as a Second Language
BC = British Council
NCTE = National Council of Teachers of English (United States of America)
IATEFL = International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (United Kingdom)
MLA = Modern Language Association
OCR = Office of Civil Rights
USIA = United States Information Agency
USIS = United States Information Service
IATEFL = International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
ACTFL = American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (United States of America)
APA = American Psychological Association
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